Convert C code to MIPS assembly language 

Convert C code to MIPS assembly language 

Machine Structures


For project four, your objective is to convert the given C++ code into MIPS assembly.

Please do not modify the C++ code itself. You are only allowed to make modifications to

the assembly file. Start writing your code below the main: label and above the exit: label.

For this project stay BETWEEN these labels.

When doing a C++ to MIPS conversion, it can be done in the following steps:

1 Assign variables to registers. When inspecting code, any constant values in expressions

may need to be assigned to temporary registers.

2 Initialize variables to registers. (actually put the values into the registers.)

3 Then you may begin converting the rest of the code.

Before you begin, please make sure you click the link on ilearn to create your GitHub repo.

After created please clone this repo with the git clone repo url command.

Base MIPS Code


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(void)


int sum = 0;

int size = 10;

intsumarr[] = {1,3,44,66,88,90,9,232,4325,2321};

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){

sum = sum + sumarr[i];


intnum = 45689;

int rev = 0;

int d = -1;

while( num > 0){

d = num % 10;

rev = rev*10 + d;

num = num / 10;


intarr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1};

int beg = 0;

int end = 8;

intisPalindrome = 1;

while(beg < end){

if (arr[beg] != arr[end]){

isPalindrome = -1;






cout<< “Sum: ” << sum <<endl;

cout<< “Reversed Number: ” << rev <<endl;

cout<< “Is Palindrome: ” <<isPalindrome<<endl;

return 0;




endl:    .asciiz  “\n”   # used for cout<<endl;

sumlbl:    .asciiz  “Sum: ” # label for sum

revlbl:    .asciiz  “Reversed Number: ” # label for rev

pallbl:    .asciiz  “Is Palindrome: ” # label for isPalindrome

sumarr:    .word 1

.word 3

.word 44

.word 66

.word 88

.word 90

.word 9

.word 232

.word 4325

.word 2321

arr:       .word 1

.word 2

.word 3

.word 4

.word 5

.word 4

.word 3

.word 2

.word 1


# sum               –> $s0

# address of sumarr –> $s1

# rev               –> $s2

# num               –> $s3

# isPalindrome      –> $s4

# address of arr    –> $s5

# i                 –> $t0

# beg               –> $s6

# end               –> $s7

# d                 –> $t1

# 10                –> $t2

# 100               –> $t3



la   $a0, sumlbl    # puts sumlbl into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 in v0 which denotes we are printing a string

syscall             # make a syscall to system

move $a0, $s0       # puts sum into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 1     # puts 1 in v0 to denote we are printing an int

syscall             # make a syscall to system

la   $a0, endl      # puts the address of the string endl into a0

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 into v0 saying we are printing a string


la   $a0, revlbl    # puts revlbl into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 in v0 which denotes we are printing an string

syscall             # make a syscall to system

move $a0, $s1       # puts rev into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 1     # puts 1 in v0 to denote we are printing an int

syscall             # make a syscall to system

la   $a0, endl      # puts the address of the string endl into a0

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 into v0 saying we are printing a string


la   $a0, pallbl    # puts pallbl into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 in v0 which denotes we are printing a string

syscall             # make a syscall to system

move $a0, $s3       # puts isPalindrome into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 1     # puts 1 in v0 to denote we are printing an int

syscall             # make a syscall to system

la   $a0, endl      # puts the address of the string endl into a0

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 into v0 saying we are printing a string


addi $v0,$0, 10





endl:    .asciiz  “\n”   # used for cout<<endl;

sumlbl:    .asciiz  “Sum: ” # label for sum

revlbl:    .asciiz  “Reversed Number: ” # label for rev

pallbl:    .asciiz  “Is Palindrome: ” # label for isPalindrome

sumarr:    .word 1

.word 3

.word 44

.word 66

.word 88

.word 90

.word 9

.word 232

.word 4325

.word 2321

arr:       .word 1

.word 2

.word 3

.word 4

.word 5

.word 4

.word 3

.word 2

.word 1


# sum               –> $s0

# address of sumarr –> $s1

# rev               –> $s2

# num               –> $s3

# isPalindrome      –> $s4

# address of arr    –> $s5

# i                 –> $t0

# beg               –> $s6

# end               –> $s7

# d                 –> $t1

# 10                –> $t2

# 100               –> $t3


addi $s0,$0,0       #  int sum = 0;

addi $t2,$0,10      #  int size = 10;

la  $s1,sumarr      #  intsumarr[] = {1,3,44,66,88,90,9,232,4325,2321};

addi $t0,$0,0       # // i=0 in the for

for:                  #  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){

bge  $t0,$t2,endfor # //comparison i<size in the for

lw   $t4,($s1)      # // load sumarr[i] in temporary t4

add  $s0,$s0,$t4    #    sum = sum + sumarr[i];

addi $s1,$s1,4      # //advance pointer to sumarr[i+1]

addi $t0,$t0,1      #   //i++ of the for

j    for            #  }


li   $s3,45689      #  intnum = 45689;

addi $s2,$0,0       #  int rev = 0;

addi $t1,$0,-1      #  int d = -1;

whilenum:               #  while( num> 0){

ble  $s3,$0,endwhile1 # // comparison for the while

div  $s3,$t2          # // num % 10 calculation

mfhi $t1              #    d = num % 10;

mult $s2,$t2          # // calculate rev*10

mflo $s2              # // rev = rev*10

add  $s2,$s2,$t1      #    rev = rev*10 + d;

div  $s3,$t2          # // num / 10 calculation

mflo $s3              #    num = num / 10;

j    whilenum         #  }


la $s5,arr            #  intarr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1};

addi $s6,$0,0         #  int beg = 0;

addi $s7,$0,8         #  int end = 8;

addi $s4,$0,1         #  intisPalindrome = 1;

whilebeg:               #  while(beg < end){

bge $s6,$s7,endwhile2 # // comparison for the while

sll $t4,$s6,2         # // for getting offset of arr[beg] first calculate beg*4

add $t4,$t4,$s5       # // add offset to arr address to get &arr[beg]

lw  $t4,($t4)         # // load $t4 with arr[beg]

sll $t5,$s7,2         # // for getting offset of arr[end] first calculate end*4

add $t5,$t5,$s5       # // add offset to arr address to get &arr[beg]

lw  $t5,($t5)         # // load $t5 with arr[end]

beq $t4,$t5,endif1    #    if (arr[beg] != arr[end]){

addi $s4,$0,-1        #      isPalindrome = -1;

j   endwhile2         #      break;

endif1:                 #    }

addi $s6,$s6,1        #    beg++;

addi $s7,$s7,-1       #    end–;

j  whilebeg           #  }


addi $s1,$s2,0      # move rev to s1 as required by the cout below

addi $s3,$s4,0      # move isPalindrome to s3 as required by the cout below


la   $a0, sumlbl    # puts sumlbl into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 in v0 which denotes we are printing a string

syscall             # make a syscall to system

move $a0, $s0       # puts sum into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 1     # puts 1 in v0 to denote we are printing an int

syscall             # make a syscall to system

la   $a0, endl      # puts the address of the string endl into a0

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 into v0 saying we are printing a string


la   $a0, revlbl    # puts revlbl into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 in v0 which denotes we are printing an string

syscall             # make a syscall to system

move $a0, $s1       # puts rev into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 1     # puts 1 in v0 to denote we are printing an int

syscall             # make a syscall to system

la   $a0, endl      # puts the address of the string endl into a0

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 into v0 saying we are printing a string


la   $a0, pallbl    # puts pallbl into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 in v0 which denotes we are printing a string

syscall             # make a syscall to system

move $a0, $s3       # puts isPalindrome into arg0 (a0 register) for cout

addi $v0, $0, 1     # puts 1 in v0 to denote we are printing an int

syscall             # make a syscall to system

la   $a0, endl      # puts the address of the string endl into a0

addi $v0, $0, 4     # puts 4 into v0 saying we are printing a string


addi $v0,$0, 10
