Simple App Store
Automatic “0” Policies
User defined functions, pointers, arrays, Menu driven program
A Company needs to create software for their new line of phone Applications. Customers will have the opportunity to purchase the Apps using the following cash amounts:
Cash Amounts that can be deposited:
- $1000.00,
- $500.00,
- $100.00
- $10.00
App List and Prices
C – Clown Punching $299.99
V – Virtual Snow Globe $349.99
R – Remote PC $999.99
G– Grocery List Helper $2.99
M – Mobile Cam Viewer $89.99
Use Case 1 (Inadequate Balance)
- User opens the App and is greeted and the amount of money in the bank is displayed.
- List of available Apps is displayed.
- User selects an App to purchase.
- If user does not have enough money, she is prompted to add more money and money choices are displayed.
- User adds money
- User gets the App, and the price is deducted and
- The balance is displayed.
- User is prompted to see if she wants to buy another App.
- If user says yes, go to step 2
- If user says no, Display the amount available for next time and (Optional) display the items that were purchased.
- Say Goodbye
Use Case 2 (Enough Balance)
- User opens the App and is greeted and the amount of money in the bank is displayed.
- List of available Apps is displayed.
- User selects an App to purchase.
- If user has enough money, user gets the App, and the price is deducted
- The balance is displayed.
- User is prompted to see if she wants to buy another App.
- If user says yes, go to step 2
- If user says no, Display the amount available for next time and (Optional) display the items that were purchased.
- Say Goodbye
Sample Output
Welcome to THE APP STORE
You have $0.00 in your bank
C — Clown Punching $299.99
V — Virtual Snow Globe $349.99
R — Remote PC $999.99
G — Grocery List Helper $2.99
M — Mobile Cam Viewer $89.99
Please enter a selection: c
You do not have enough in your bank
The item costs $299.99
You have $0.00 available in your bank
Please credit your money by selection:
— 1 $1000.00
— 2 $500.00
— 3 $100.00
— 4 $10.00
Deposit Amount: 2
You have purchased: c
you have $200.01 left,
would you like to make another purchase?y
You have $200.01 in your bank
C — Clown Punching $299.99
V — Virtual Snow Globe $349.99
R — Remote PC $999.99
G — Grocery List Helper $2.99
M — Mobile Cam Viewer $89.99
Please enter a selection: g
You have purchased: g
you have $197.02 left,
would you like to make another purchase?y
You have $197.02 in your ban
C — Clown Punching $299.99
V — Virtual Snow Globe $349.99
R — Remote PC $999.99
G — Grocery List Helper $2.99
M — Mobile Cam Viewer $89.99
Please enter a selection: r
You do not have enough in your bank
The item costs $999.99
You have $197.02 available in your bank
Please credit your money by selection:
— 1 $1000.00
— 2 $500.00
— 3 $100.00
— 4 $10.00
Deposit Amount: 2
You do not have enough in your bank
The item costs $999.99
You have $697.02 available in your bank
Please credit your money by selection:
— 1 $1000.00
— 2 $500.00
— 3 $100.00
— 4 $10.00
Deposit Amount: 2
You have purchased: r
you have $197.03 left,
would you like to make another purchase?n
you have: $197.03 credit available for next purchase
Thank you, enjoy your purchase(s)
You made 3 purchases as follows:
Press any key to continue . . .
You must have at least 7 user defined functions as follows:
// Displays the list of apps available
//prompts for the user’s selection and sets (returns) the value of the selection
void displayApps(char *pSelection);
//sets (returns) the cost of the item based on value stored in purchase
void setCost(char selection, double *pCost);
//Displays the codes for the user to input money – gets user input amounts
//compares the int codes and updates the deposit amount
void paymentOptions(double *pDeposit, double cost);
//compares the amount the user has in deposits to the price of app selected.
//It returns 1 if the amount is enough to cover the cost, 0 if there is not enough.
int compare(double deposit, double choiceCost);
//uses paymentOptions function to display and collect dollar amounts from the user
//uses compare function to keep comparing the added deposited amount to the item cost.
void pay(double *pDeposit, double choiceCost);
//calculates the amount of leftover from your deposits
void getChange(double *pDdeposit, double choiceCost);
//Asks the user if they want another app
void doItAgain(char *pQuit);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// Displays the list of apps available
// prompts for the user’s selection and sets (returns) the value of the selection
voiddisplayApps(char *pSelection);
// sets (returns) the cost of the item based on value stored in purchase
voidsetCost(char selection, double *pCost);
// Displays the codes for the user to input money – gets user input amounts
// compares the int codes and updates the deposit amount
voidpaymentOptions(double *pDeposit, double cost);
// compares the amount the user has in deposits to the price of app selected.
// It returns 1 if the amount is enough to cover the cost, 0 if there is not enough.
int compare(double deposit, double choiceCost);
// uses paymentOptions function to display and collect dollar amounts from the user
// uses compare function to keep comparing the added deposited amount to the item cost.
void pay(double *pDeposit, double choiceCost);
// calculates the amount of leftover from your deposits
voidgetChange(double *pDdeposit, double choiceCost);
// Asks the user if they want another app
voiddoItAgain(char *pQuit);
// takes an array of all the purchase transaction costs
// and the number of items purchased
// and displays the information onto the screen
voiddisplayPurchases(double priceList[ ], intnum);
int main() {
char selection;
double deposit;
double cost;
double purchases[100]; // support at most 100 purchases
printf(“Welcome to THE APP STORE\n”);
deposit = 0; // initial bank has $0
num = 0; // number of purchases initialized to 0.
// use the above functions to implement the program
// loop until the user entered N to quit the program.
do {
printf(“You have $%.2f in your bank\n”, deposit);
displayApps(&selection); // select
setCost(selection, &cost); // calculate cost
pay(&deposit, cost); // pay for it
// save the purchase into the array
purchases[num] = cost;
num ++;
printf(“You have purchased: %c\n”, selection);
printf(“you have $%.2f left,\n”, deposit);
doItAgain(&selection); // ask the user to buy again
} while (selection == ‘Y’);
printf(“you have: $%.2f credit available for next purchase\n”, deposit);
printf(“Thank you, enjoy your purchase(s)\n\n”);
// display all purchases
displayPurchases(purchases, num);
// ask the user to press enter key to quit the program
printf(“\nPress any key to continue … \n”);
scanf(” %c”, &selection);
return 0;
// ——- function implementations ———
voiddisplayApps(char *pSelection) {
char choice, nl;
printf(“C — Clown Punching $299.99\n”);
printf(“V — Virtual Snow Globe $349.99\n”);
printf(“R — Remote PC $999.99\n”);
printf(“G — Grocery List Helper $2.99\n”);
printf(“M — Mobile Cam Viewer $89.99\n”);
// use a do-while loop to continue asking
// until the user entered a valid choice.
do {
printf(“Please enter a selection: “);
scanf(” %c”, &choice);
*pSelection = choice;
choice = toupper(choice);
} while (choice != ‘C’ && choice != ‘V’ && choice != ‘R’ &&
choice != ‘G’ && choice != ‘M’);
voidsetCost(char selection, double *pCost) {
double cost = 0;
// compare uppercase of the selection only
selection = toupper(selection);
switch (selection) {
case ‘C’:
cost = 299.99;
case ‘V’:
cost = 349.99;
case ‘R’:
cost = 999.99;
case ‘G’:
cost = 2.99;
case ‘M’:
cost = 89.99;
default: // should not happen
*pCost = cost;
// Displays the codes for the user to input money – gets user input amounts
// compares the int codes and updates the deposit amount
voidpaymentOptions(double *pDeposit, double cost) {
char choice;
double deposit;
printf(“Please credit your money by selection:\n”);
printf(“— 1 $1000.00\n”);
printf(“— 2 $500.00\n”);
printf(“— 3 $100.00\n”);
printf(“— 4 $10.00\n”);
// use a do-while loop to make sure the selection is valid
do {
printf(“Deposit Amount: “);
scanf(” %c”, &choice);
} while (choice < ‘1’ || choice > ‘4’);
// calculate the amount to deposit according to user’s choice
switch (choice) {
case ‘1’:
deposit = 1000;
case ‘2’:
deposit = 500;
case ‘3’:
deposit = 100;
case ‘4’:
deposit = 10;
default: // this should not happen
deposit = 0;
*pDeposit += deposit;
int compare(double deposit, double choiceCost) {
return deposit >= choiceCost;
void pay(double *pDeposit, double choiceCost) {
// loop until the user has enough to purchase
while (compare(*pDeposit, choiceCost) == 0) {
printf(“You do not have enough in your bank\n”);
printf(“The item costs $%.2f\n”, choiceCost);
printf(“You have $%.2f available in your bank\n”, *pDeposit);
// ask the user to deposit
paymentOptions(pDeposit, choiceCost);
getChange(pDeposit, choiceCost);
// calculates the amount of leftover from your deposits
voidgetChange(double *pDeposit, double choiceCost) {
double change = *pDeposit – choiceCost;
*pDeposit = change;
// Asks the user if they want another app
voiddoItAgain(char *pQuit) {
char choice;
// use a do-while loop to make sure the user’s choice
// is either y or no.
do {
printf(“would you like to make another purchase? “);
scanf(” %c”, &choice);
choice = toupper(choice);
} while (choice != ‘Y’ && choice != ‘N’);
*pQuit = choice;
voiddisplayPurchases(double priceList[ ], intnum) {
int i;
printf(“You made %d purchase(s) as follows:\n”, num);
// display the price of purchases one by one
for (i = 0; i <num; i++) {
printf(“%.2f\n”, priceList[i]);