Top 10 features of C++ compared to C

Top 10 features of C++ compared to C

  • The standard template library. The template library allows you to perform operations on a series of data without concern about how the data is stored, or the type of data. For example you can find the largest element in an array, a vector, a linked list, without knowing beforehand how the data is stored. Our experts are well versed in the use of the STL and can provide C programming assignment help using the template library.
  • Polymorphic code (or object orientated code). Say you have a list of employees, and a pay method. The pay may be hourly rate * hours worked for employees, but for managers it might be hourly rate * hours worked + 1% for each person they manage. By defining manager as a subclass of employee, you can implement pay method as a virtual method and the correct pay method is called for each employee. If you need C programming assignment help (or C++ or Java which is similar) we can provide fully object orientated code.
  • Function overloading. In C you have abs, fabs, dabs (absolute, floating point absolute, double absolute), in C++ you just have abs(int) abs(float) abs(double) and the correct routine is called.
  • Classes are like structs but are much more powerful, since they can have methods associated with them.
  • New and delete. Rather and using malloc and free, you call new and delete. The new calls a constructor and so you can ensure that the data is in a consistent state, and delete calls the destructor which could free related resources.
  • Printf is great for formatting but remember the correct % values to use and making sure they match up with the types can be annoying. Instead you can use cout and cin, and cout << “This is a string, and an int “ << (22/ 7) << endl;
  • Operator overloading. This allows you to use +, -, * etc when dealing with custom types, so you can have a date type and date + int allows you to add a number of days to the date, and date – date gives an integer that shows the difference in days between the 2 dates. If you need a comprehensive solution involving operator overloading we can offer a wide variety of C programming homework help that demonstrates the utility and flexibility of operator overloading.
  • Private and public access. When you define a field or method as private, you are saying, this is not part of the API of the object but an internal implementation detail. This allows you to make changes without having to worry that users of your class would need to be changed as well.
  • C string operators are difficult to use, and C++ offers a more complete way of manipulating strings, which also handles memory allocation.
  • It is pretty much identical to C IF you want it to be. Most C code will run unchanged in C++, so you can gradually change to C++ rather than having to start from scratch.

At Programming Homework Helper we can provide you with either C++ or C programming homework help.